Monday, January 31


bags packed: check (kind of)
laundry done: ehh... working on it.
books read for tomorrow's night class: ..............
car full of gas: yep!
new real simple wedding magazine purchased: absolutely! (just for fun, don't worry)

well at least the essentials are taken care of, yes?

Today has been hectic, and not ideal for my last day at home, but tonight has been a reminder of the blessing God has poured out on my life this month. I had dinner with Janie, a precious senior girl at Hoover I've known for years through church. This month I have had time to get to know Janie more, to watch her grow up right in front of my eyes, and to see how the Lord is calling her to Him. I've heard her heart as she shares her convictions, her callings, her passions.. And the more that she matures, the more I see the Lord at work in her life.

Jane is the perfect example of what I am desiring in ministry. The opportunity to develop relationships with girls who have a heart for the Lord and are desperately seeking Him.. this is how I want to spend my time. To pour into these precious daughters of the King and encourage them through the hard transition into college, the difficulties in staying pure in relationships, the ability to balance old and new friendships. These stages in life that come quickly are prime opportunities to fall before the Lord and trust Him exclusively, but without encouragement that refining process is so hard. Being able to hear Janie's life lately has reminded me how much I want to do just that. To know someone and walk beside them in their life, that's what Christ did, and that's what I want to do,

As I prepare for school to start back, I'm asking God for the willingness to seek out these relationships in Jackson where I am, and not let what I'm learning be something save for Shades and home. This is applicable right now, in the ministries I involve myself in and with the friends who need encouragement in the Lord. I'm getting more excited for the semester the closer it gets, and I know the Lord can use that eagerness to change my life!

Saturday, January 29

friends, church, family, life... a good thing

First, just wanting to highlight Meredith's journey to Sevilla, Granada and soon Morocco. This was an excerpt from her blog regarding the flight attendants:
I was also warned repeatedly about the boys in Morocco and they all fretted over my safety because I have the "typical" American girl look. I don't know what that means, but Roll Tide.
She has made it safely, gotten place to place and is quickly becoming the coolest independent friend I know. That being said, Lauren is also making her way along in Botswana. Her emails explained the hard first adjustment to the people and the place, but the Lord continues to work in her life as she settles and meets new friends.

This semester is quickly approaching, I move back to school this Tuesday and class begins Wednesday... only not really because my only M/W class is PE and everything else is T/Tr. So that makes for a pretty nice start to school I'd say. On the other hand, my heart is slowly realizing the weight of going back to a place with a handful of my closest friends gone. I feel like I'm starting freshman year all over again when I only knew a few people. That's silly, I know plenty of friends, but that anticipation of creating deeper friendships all over again is making me anxious. I am incredibly grateful for the friendships that are still there and am looking forward to having more time to deepen and develop those.

This month has been so busy, so full and such a learning experience. I've been at church most days just working and interning and soaking up all the Godly leadership above me that my little heart can handle. To hear the wisdom of my youth ministers and leaders is always precious; but to work alongside them as they handle difficult situations, make plans, and share their hearts for ministry has been beyond my wildest dreams. It's like fastforwarding through school and just soaking up the real-life, hands-on aspects of my education. This is what I want to do with my life: have a job that allow me to develop relationships with girls needing discipleship and encouragement in their walk with the Lord. A job that gives Biblical teaching as its regular source of learning and that has ample time to strengthen the body of Christ. This month has been like a dream, and the best part is there are three more months for this waiting for me in the summer.

In the meantime, I get to do the same type ministry at Englewood in Jackson with the middle school. And I get to jump right in for the semester, next weekend I will be joining the girls and their mothers at a retreat close to Jackson. What a blessing. Although middle school is typically not my first choice of interest, I think that the Lord has some big things in store to teach me about His plans vs. my plans. Obviously, doesn't He always?

The Lord has given me so much rest and fulfillment this month. I've had time at home, time with my parents, precious time with Melanie as she has travelled home for a few weeks. I've spent weekends with Ethan, hours at the church doing art and ministry (what could be better?), and been able to visit with one of my dearest friends Meredith as she prepared for a semester in Morocco. (Might I add, props to her for packing for four months in one duffel, one backpack and a small carry on for camera equipment. I basically use the same amount of luggage for a weekend away.)

God has blessed me beyond anything I could have expected. And that rest was much needed coming out of such a difficult end to a semester. This next phase of my life is about to be so different, but I know the Lord has such big plans for renewal and refining. Bring it on!

Wednesday, January 19

so many lessons...

This month has been crazy. Good, but definitely hard. God is revealing so many truths to me about things I've thought, preconceived notions I've held onto.. And most of all, my double-minded tendencies that break His heart.

Sometimes I wonder why I don't feel closer to the Lord, or why I don't hear Him more. Then I realize my love for the world, the people who I have relationships with, the things that consume my time and efforts, are preventing me from complete dependance on Him when it comes to intimacy and guidance. When I answer my own questions and listen to my own voice, I lose the precious time He wants to use to lead me. And when I spend my days doing everything for me, hoping to squeeze Him in for a few minutes, why do I expect this to be a good thing? You don't grow in ten minutes, you grow in life. And my life has a lot of holes to be filled.

God is growing me and challenging me.. many things to still work through and think on. More to come!

Wednesday, January 5

student building, this is Rachael...

I had my first experience as the official front desk lady on Monday. Like mother, like daughter I had the heater turned on my feet and answered the phone to transfer anyone and everyone who called with a student building emergency. Granted only about five people called in a three hour span, it was still an exciting and adventurous growing up experience.

The last few days have been such a treat. I'm excited every morning to spend time at Shades around wonderful people who I respect and look up to. Even though the workload hasn't been strenuous, I feel like I'm learning small steps that will be very useful in the future. And let's be honest, I just love getting to pretend I'm a grown up working at Shades since that's my dream life anyways.

I'm also becoming less and less nervous about what the changes of this semester will look like and learning to trust God each day for whatever He brings my way. It's a good feeling to trust without having all the answers, however slow the process might be.