Monday, April 26


"God doesn't lay things on your heart to just lay there."
-Mallory Carter

Saturday, April 24

what we think/what we do

I'm taking a class this semester called Gender and Sexuality. As you might guess from it's title, the class is very interesting.. and very full of opinionated classmates. Many of my classmates have somewhat to extreme liberal points of view and it's been incredibly challenging to my faith in class discussions. For instance, the topic of homosexuality. We recently had an assignment online (thank goodness--its much easier to voice your opinions when you can think through them before blabbering like a fool) in which we were supposed to share everything we knew for sure about homosexuality and anything we were unsure of. This was such a challenge to me! What better way to present the Gospel through Scripture, interpretation of what the Bible says, and how it applies to life today. It's hard to argue against some of my classmates because they've lived with people who claim to be Christians but have no desire to live for Christ. Their view of Christianity is negative, they don't think God is legitimate, and they think that how we live on this earth should be our own choice. It's hard to argue with someone who doesn't really care what you think, especially when you have to be gentle so as to remind them that not all Christians are terrible filthy people with no regard for Holiness. But it sure does remind me that my life is a witness... what a great opportunity!! 

I've found my most reliable argument for what the Bible teaches about homosexuality is to look to Genesis BEFORE the fall... After the fall, the Bible is full of sinners just like us who messed up, so my non-Christian class mates think they are not a very reliable witness. But there isn't much to argue against a perfect God who created man in His image, then made woman out of man to be the suitable helper for which he would commit his own life to. Our God is a Holy, all-knowing God indeed!

Sunday, April 18

crazy chi omega...

this was the week of Chi Omega that I thought would never end, but I had a great time and now I have a life again! ;) First, last weekend we had Greek Olympics. This is one of my favorite events, and something every Chi O loves. We had so much fun painting up, cheering, being crazy and having so much energy that was nice to just get to devote to something all Greek.
We won swimming, football throw, came in second on tug of war, chariot race, and relay. But we won Greek Olympics overall. It was a great competition and all the girls did awesome. Sunday we had Eleusinia, celebrating Chi Omega's 115th year. It's sort of a Founder's Day type celebration where we have lunch and all of our alumni can come back to see everyone. I learned this weekend all about what Eleusinia really means and its so special to share something so awesome with all my sisters.

This past week we've practiced so much for VShow which was last night. Yesterday we spent basically all day long at the civic center, and the show was incredible. We worked so hard, Allison and Libby came up with everything, and everyone did so much to make it the best show we could give. I was so proud of my ladies! 
This weekend the National Consultant was also visiting our chapter so I got to learn so much about Chi Omega and my position as the New Member Educator. Although its been somewhat of Chi Omega overload, I've just been reminded of why I love my sisters and how much they mean to me. The time I get to share with them is something that is so precious to me and I love every second of it!

Thursday, April 8


Spring Break has come and gone, but I could still take another break right now. Got to go home over break and spend the weekend with my dad while mom was gone. We had a few days to just hang out and be lazy, I slept late and loved every second of it. Spent Tuesday with mom and ended with a Habanero's run. Wednesday I went to see Ethan in Clinton. On the way, I got to have lunch with Kendall then visit with Meredith, which I loved! That night was MC's Film Festival, and his film Because of Waking... won!!!
He did an incredible job, and everyone loved the film. If you would like to buy a copy just let me know ;) We spent a few days in Clinton, complete with crawfish, Newk's, Prissy and just having a good time. We came home Friday for Easter and spent the weekend back in Birmingham. 
After lunch on Easter we drove back to Clinton and spent the night before I had to come back to school Monday. It was a nice, calm break with plenty of time to visit family and friends, and just get some rest. School sure doesn't wait to get back in the swing of things though :(