Thursday, January 21


Yesterday was a weird day... the bottom fell out like a flood was coming, I was home alone most of the evening, and you know those moods you have that you can't quite explain but they just aren't pleasant? So I spent the night painting. Surwic had shown me this painting she liked and I decided to put a little twist on it so it could match her room at school.

My mom has learned to take an everyday hobby like knitting, which she loves and is amazing at, and turn it into a ministry. Instead of just knitting prayer shawls, she just knits and prays then gives these amazing, hand-made and heart-felt gifts that are more of a blessing than she ever knows.

I was painting yesterday and realized I had the same ability to use painting as a ministry. So while I was painting red zebra stripes, I started using the time just to pray. Pray for Lauren, pray for her life and for what she's going through each day, pray for our friendship, and for heart. It was such a cool thing to see how God can find His way into any and every circumstance. I loved it! And it made the painting that much more special. Now when I give her this gift in a few weeks, I can tell her there's more to it than just paint.

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