Monday, June 7

God is COOL!!!

woke up at 7 am not feeling too hot... hoping to avoid the stomach bug my roommate had yesterday, I went back to sleep until noon. Rest was just the medicine I needed, and this afternoon has been so incredible. I've spent my time catching up on emails, listening to Travis Cottrell and having the most wonderful time with the Lord.

So far I've had time each night to have my quiet time, to reflect on what the Lord has shown me, but each night I find myself a little more sleepy. So today was so refreshing to have all the time I wanted and all the energy I needed just to remember what the Lord has done and who He is.

I'm reading through Lord, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur, and I love those little moments each day where my Bible study parallels just exactly what I walk through that day. The names of God have been revealed to me so consistently through my time here, and I've enjoyed the length of this trip to learn more about God.

Of all the mission trips I've been able to go on, I've found a common theme of short trip, quick message to be learned, then turn around having seen this drastic revelation from the Lord or some super spiritual high of an awesome few days. This trip is completely different: the pace is slow, so there's no rush to get it all in at once. The trip is longer, so there is more to be learned over a month. I'm not with my entire youth group or core group, so the dependancy on the Lord is increased. And it's been SUCH A BLESSING. God is just taking His precious time, slowly revealing His characteristics and qualities to me. On the days I've felt insecure, God is El Roi, the God who sees. When I am weary and needy and missing the comforts of home, God is El Shaddai, the all-sufficient one. I'm loving getting to know my God as Adonai, Jehovah, El Elyon. God is so gracious and good and I am being reminded of that everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus truly IS the sweetest name i know ... and to learn of all His amazing attributes, just when and where you need Him most!
