Thursday, June 10


Today was so great! It was my first day to really interact with people outside of the office. I went with Michele on three home visits. Two of them were with people who only spoke Afrikaans, so I did A LOT of smiling and nodding then asking what was happening later. But this one visit was such a blessing….

Irene is this sweet woman of God who is 84 and bed-ridden. She has cancer in her spine and it’s been spreading to her breast. After eight years of illness, and four of severe cancer, Irene is still kickin’ it. Irene lays in bed all day, every day and therefore LOVES the chance to chat with company. She shared her entire life story today, just telling us stories of her life and her memories. She kept telling us of how she “had always been so active”, she used to knit, and work in a hospital caring for others. Now all she can do is sit and read, most days she doesn’t even have the energy to put her teeth in! But the other consistent statement Irene made was how she was confident in the Lord, the Lord had given her hope and she knew her life had been blessed.

I was able to pray for Irene at the end of our time together. As we were getting ready to leave she told me I had blessed her, made her feel good for the first time in a long time. What a blessing this was to my heart, just to see how a simple prayer to the Lord could encourage a dying woman so much! I am constantly amazed by the Lord and how He is working in the lives of people I meet. This same God has carried Irene through years of pain, and given her hope for what lies beyond this life. Wow!

Tonight we went to the beach to watch the sunset, and if I could sit there forever I would have. It was absolutely beautiful. I wish I had a better word to describe all that I see here… but there just isn’t much to do it justice. We had dinner at The Toad for Zuzanna’s last night, and felt like I was back in the States with my New Orleans pizza.

Oh, and we have a new roommate, Megan! She got in late last night after we were asleep. Ok maybe it was 11, but that’s late when you’re catching up from American time ☺

Life is great. Today I am seeing God as Jehovah-jireh, the Lord who provides. Our God is indeed providing, constantly! And what’s even cooler is that word jireh, means to see. Because the Lord can foresee our needs, he can make provisions in His own time. Ah I love our God!!

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